• Our Studio Manager, Tony Drootin, is a certified Covid Compliance Officer.
• All commonly used surfaces are cleaned with a diluted bleach solution on a regular basis, which includes, but is not limited to: doorknobs, kitchen/bathroom fixtures, appliances, armrests, and light switches. All audio and electronic equipment is cleaned either with isopropyl alcohol or a disinfectant, both before and after each use, including our microphones, headphones, windscreens, cue boxes, keyboards, etc.
• We have installed UV air purifying units in all of our HVAC systems to purify the air as it filters through each room in the facility. In addition, we have installed MERV 13-rated air filters into these systems as an extra precaution.
• Everyone entering the facility must pass a temperature check (optional).
• We are limiting the amount of people allowed in each area of the facility at a given time so as to reduce the potential risk of transmission. Each session is screened prior to booking in order to determine our ability accomplish the required recording goals while also safely distancing clients and staff (optional).
• All clients and staff are required to wear masks in all areas of the facility. Masks are only permitted to be removed if a client is performing vocally or playing a wind/brass instrument (optional).
• Our upper level parking lot is accessible to clients, allowing them to avoid stairs, elevators, and extra doors in the building, providing direct entrance into our facility.